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Week 26 worden pdf, foto's en verslag gepubliceerd op www.contactcentercommunity.com


Colloquium ‘09
Contact  Center  Management
J u n e   9 t h   2 0 0 9 ,   L a m o t   C o n f e r e n c e   C e n t e r  
Since 2004, The House of Contact Centers developed & leads the Expert Class Contact Management.  An initiative that was taken to improve the availability of competent contact center management. Already 44 participants experienced the intense 125 hours training program. A ‘customer satisfaction rate’ of 86% and  a ‘net promoter score’  (would you recommend…? )  of almost a 100% were convincing to the extent that THoCC, its teachers and guest professors enthusiastically continue to work on further deepening of the program. As of the fourth Expert Class edition, accreditation will be prepared. Further, two studies will be designed and executed: 1. ‘The correlation between contact center maturity and value creation.’ and 2. ‘The impact of sophisticated technology on the performance of contact center agents.’ 
Theme of the Colloquium
Contact centers have touch points with the entire customer process; from marketing to collect, inbound and outbound. Contact centers are the epicenter of moments of truth and became an important communication channel and source of information. Non-performance will be ‘resolved’ by e.g. communities and self service environments that áre capable to deliver fast, good and correct answers or solutions. Contact center amateurism is out. Today, right customer interaction means good accessibility, real time solution-ability, customer insight, serve and sell, trigger based outbound, …  Not one but three simultaneous protagonists determine Contact Center effectiveness:   People ánd Processes ánd Technology.

The first Contact Center Management Colloquium starts at 10:00 AM and has three equal day segments: strategy, tactics and operations. Within each section, we review and discuss a subject from the educational, academic and practical point of view. Between the segments we leave enough room for participants to exchange views.
Finale: presentation of ECCCM IV and proclamation/celebration of the ECCM Certificates, 3rd edition.
Participation fee: 150 €